
时间:2021-05-08  作者:大禹电子  浏览量:2401




  One. Product introduction

  By using acoustic media of the tested non-contact and no wear test, Ultrasonic sensors can detect transparency of the object or colored objects, metallic objects or non-metallic objects, as well as solid, liquid or powder material, can detect. Ambient conditions such as smoke, dust environment or under the condition of rain almost does not affect the detection performance of ultrasonic sensor.


  发射超声换能器发射出的超声脉冲,通过传播媒质传播到被测介质,经反射后再通过传声媒质返回到接收换能器,测出超声脉冲从发射到接收在传声媒质中传播的时间。再根据传声媒质中的声速,就可以算得从换能器到介质面的距离。从而确定液位。因此我们可以计算出探头到反射面的距离D = C*t/2(除以2是因为声波从发射到接收实际是一个来回,D是距离,C是声速,t是时间)。

  Two. the principle of ultrasonic ranging

  Launch of the ultrasonic transducer emit ultrasonic pulse, spread through transmission medium to be measured medium, after reflection by sound transmission medium again returns to the receiving transducer, ultrasonic pulse is measured from the launch to receive in the transmitted time of sound transmission medium. then according to the speed of sound, sound transmission medium can calculate the distance from the transducer to the media.  To determine the liquid level. So we can calculate the probe to the reflection surface distance D = C * t / 2 (divided by 2 is because the sound waves from transmitting to receiving actual is a back and forth, D is the distance, C is the velocity of sound, t is the time).






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